"Lonely Castle in the Mirror" is a juvenile novel written by Mizuki Tsujimura, a story of junior high school students in Japan. Translation by Philip Gabriel is easy to read, but readers are supposed to know about Japan's educational system. So, this website explains the Japanese Education System in detail.
This page it might reveal the plots. It is recommended to read through the book, then read this page.
The members of the castle come from different ages, Subaru 1985, Aki 1992, Kokoro and Rion 2006, Fuka 2013, and Ureshino 2020. The Wolf Queen was Mio, the sister of Rion.
On March 29th, Aki remained at the castle after 5:00 PM, violating the rule. Aki was eaten by the wolf. Other members were also eaten. Kokoro was absent on March 29th and was not eaten.She entered the castle to find the wish key and save them, by wishing “Forgive Aki.”
Masamune came back to the castle. He guessed that they live in parallel worlds, which prevents them meet together.
Kokoro went to school on January 10th, hoping Masamune and others were there. But none of them were there.
Kokoro and her friends held a Christmas Party at the castle.
The castle member were students of Yukishina No.5 Junior High School. Rion would be a student of Yukishina No.5 Junior High School if he stayed in Japan.
Japanese Educational Stytem
Starts in April, the second term starts in September, and the third term starts in January.