Japanese Educational System

Start of the School Year
The school year starts in April.
Compulsory Education
6-year elementary school and 3-year junior high school are compulsory. 3-year high school is not required, but nowadays, most children go to high school.
Many schools in Japan adopt trimester. The school year starts in April, the second term starts in September, and the third term starts in January.
Summer Holiday
Summer holiday is approximately 40 days long, from the end of July to the end of August. The end of the summer holiday is notorious for many children committing suicide. In the "Lonely Castle in the Mirror" story, Ureshino tried to go to school. But in reality, some children choose death instead of going to school.
Japanese Educational Stytem

Japanese Educational Stytem Starts in April, the second term starts in September, and the third term starts in January.