"Lonely Castle in the Mirror" is a juvenile novel written by Mizuki Tsujimura, a story of junior high school students in Japan. Translation by Philip Gabriel is easy to read, but readers are supposed to know about Japan's educational system. So, this website explains the Japanese Education System in detail.
The Wolf Queen said, “When someone’s wish is granted, then the seven children would forget each other.” Aki said that wish is more important than memory. Ureshino disagreed with her.
When Kokoro is at home, Ms. Kitajima came to her house and talked with Kokoro. Ms. Kitajima never blamed Kokoro, instead, she said “Kokoro, you are battling.” This made Kokoro happy.
At the end of August, Ureshino confessed that he would go to school when the second term starts.
Kokoro talked to Aki and Fuka about what had happened in her junior high school.
Kokoro visited the castle. In her room, there is a bookcase. (Probably, it’s because Kokoro likes reading books.)
Kokoro is invited to the Castle.
Japanese Educational System
Starts in April, the second term starts in September, and the third term starts in January.
Japanese Educational Stytem
Starts in April, the second term starts in September, and the third term starts in January.