"Lonely Castle in the Mirror" is a juvenile novel written by Mizuki Tsujimura, a story of junior high school students in Japan. Translation by Philip Gabriel is easy to read, but readers are supposed to know about Japan's educational system. So, this website explains the Japanese Education System in detail.
Wolf Queen
A mysterious young girl with a wolf mask.
The seventh grade at Yukishina No.5 Junior High School. He is love-oriented. He first approached Aki, then Kokoro, and finally, Fuka.
The ninth grade at Yukishina No.5 Junior High School.
The eighth grade at Yukishina No.5 Junior High School. Masamune likes video games.
The seventh grade at Yukishina No.5 Junior High School. Isolated in school club activities.
The eighth grade at Yukishina No.5 Junior High School.
The seventh grade, studying in Hawaii.
Japanese Educational Stytem
Starts in April, the second term starts in September, and the third term starts in January.