
Fuka's birthday is in August. Kokoro planned to buy a present, but when she went out home and saw students of Yukishina No.5 Junior High School, She could not go too far. She entered a convenience store and bought a present for Fuka. Kokoro recognized going out was difficult for her.

At the end of August, Ureshino confessed that he would go to school when the second term starts. He also said that everyone here is not going to school. Rion replied that he is going to school, but in Hawaii. Masamune said that Rion was elite. The atmosphere in the castle became worse.

"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" was released in 1997 and translated into Japanese in 1999.

Japanese Educational Stytem

Japanese Educational Stytem Starts in April, the second term starts in September, and the third term starts in January.