
Kokoro regretted that they made fun of Ureshino.
Ureshino came back to the castle, but he got injured. He said, "it is not bullying." When Ureshino met his classmates, he often paid them for drinks and snacks. His payments became to be taken for granted, and if he did not pay, his classmates no longer needed him. Ureshino became angry and hit one of them. Ureshino got punched back and got hurt.

When Kokoro is at home, Ms. Kitajima came to her house and talked with Kokoro. Ms. Kitajima never blamed Kokoro, instead, she said "Kokoro, you are battling." This made Kokoro happy.

Ms. Kitajima likes tea. She gave Kokoro teabags.

Japanese Educational Stytem

Japanese Educational Stytem Starts in April, the second term starts in September, and the third term starts in January.